Kessler Park UMC

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Change in Sunday Worship

by Rev. Eric Folkerth


I need to let you know of a change to our Sunday worship for at least the next few weeks. It’s come to our attention that our beloved member, Rob Ballard, has tested positive for COVID-19. As you may recall, Rob was our soloist this past Sunday during our livestream at the church.

First and foremost, please know that Rob is doing well symptom-wise and thus far seems to have relatively mild symptoms. We’re checking on him daily and hope he will continue to have only a mild case of COVID.

But this news necessitates the rest of us who were present that morning to alter our availability together, at least in coming weeks.

Therefore, for at least the next two Sundays, we will *not* gather in the Kessler Park sanctuary to livestream on Sunday morning. We are instead planning to come to you live via a ZOOM gathering that is simulcast to the KPUMC Facebook page. 

For those who recall Maundy Thursday/Good Friday, it will *look* similar to those worship services.

Frankly, for about the past two weeks, I have personally been concerned with the rise in cases in Dallas, and the disturbing rise in hospitalizations. It had already made me question whether even gathering in the small group as we have been was advisable (with masks and social distance). This news about Rob simply seals that concern.

As for the building, we did indeed thoroughly clean the sanctuary (“deep cleaning”) following our becoming aware of this situation. And have shared the CDC guidance with the others who were in the room that morning about keeping distance from others for the next 14 days. We will continue to check with each other during these next days.

Logistically then, on Sunday you *should* be able to find our worship in exactly the same way you have been: by visiting the KPUMC Facebook page at 11 am and waiting for the “LIVE” video to appear.

It will of course feel differently to everyone for us to all be coming to you from our respective homes instead of at the church. But I trust you are all in agreement that this is an important step for now.

I’m grateful to Rob for his willingness for us to share his story. Rob reports that previously to being diagnosed, he had been practicing good social distancing and wearing a mask as well. As he says:

“I have told a lot of my friends about my COVID diagnosis and it has opened their eyes and given them a wake up call.”


We should all continue to have concern about everyone who is NOT wearing a mask and doing their best to distance, and I shudder to think how this pandemic continues to be politicized.

Far too many people’s reactions against masks and social distancing seem based on a desire to make a political statement, rather than keep themselves and others safe. This is clearly dangerous.

But the virus knows no politics. And as Rob says: “Who would have known by singing last Sunday that I had COVID.  Not one bit of shortness of breath or fever… I think when you put a face and name to this, it opens a lot of people’s eyes.”

So, in our desire to follow our Methodist rule to “Do No Harm,” we will continue with this for at least two weeks, and evaluate where we are at that time. Please pray for Rob, and for all of us, as we seek to stay safe in this unprecedented time.

And thanks in advance for understanding our new decisions here.

Eric Folkerth