Kessler Park UMC

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Holy Week

by Rev. Eric Folkerth

I don’t want to jinx anything, but it seems like we might actually have a generally “normal” Holy Week. Of course, we’ve said that about holy seasons for the past two years and every time the pandemic intervened again.

But I’m talking with many of you about how you are also resuming more “normal” life during these weeks of Spring. And last Sunday we had one of our largest attendance since perhaps the last weeks of February two years ago. Still not anywhere near our “normal” crowds of pre-pandemic, but it was hopeful.

Easter is supposed to be about hope and New Life. Your staff has been having quite the debate among ourselves as to the wisdom of the typical Holy Week journey. In “normal” years, we take a journey into darkness, pain, and death…culminating on Good Friday. And we will indeed do that once again with our Good Friday service. 

But I invite you to keep the *entire* story in mind…death AND resurrection…darkness AND light.

I mean, we’ve all had far too much death and depression in our world the past two years.

So remember, as we enter into Holy Week with Palm Sunday, that “Easter is coming.” Let’s journey —acknowledging the reality of suffering in our lives and world but also waiting with expectation for New Life to be born.

So consider this your official reminder and invitation to join us for Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday. (Details elsewhere in this newsletter…)

If you are at all comfortable with coming —and we know that some folks will still not be able— we hope to see you in person.

Grace and Peace,

Eric Folkerth