Kessler Park UMC

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Stewardship 2022

by Rev. Eric Folkerth

“Sowing Seeds….we’re sowing seeds…”

I think Pastor Kay and I have said this to each other perhaps a dozen times this past month. If there is a single metaphor that describes where our church is, right now —and where we will be into the year 2023— it’s “Sowing Seeds of Hope.”

That is why this is our Stewardship theme for the 2023 budget.

And during this campaign, we will try to speak plain truth to you about where Kessler Park UMC is right now and where we hope to go.

Where we are now:
Continuing to move past the pandemic…
Starting new programs, some for the first time in two years…
Dreaming about the future of KPUMC…

The realities are that the pandemic years have likely forever changed our church (and all churches…). Worship attendance has recovered somewhat, but is below where it has been. Committees continue to tentatively meet in-person.

But there are true bright spots:
— Joe Jencks Concert in Roberts Forest.
— Trunk or Treat and Halloween Movie Night.
— Prism Sunday School class.
— Book Study on “Do I Stay Christian?”
— Seminar on “Confronting Christian Nationalism.”

Some of these events went very well, in terms of attendance. Others, not as much. But all are “seeds” of the future church. And what it means to “sow seeds” is to try things that work, try things that fail, and trust in the God that will grow and guide our future church.

But perhaps above all these in terms of our hope and joy is “Wednesday Night Live.” Our weekly gathering of neighborhood children has been a huge success this Fall, as kids play in Roberts Forest, eat a meal together, and hear a story from Pastor Kay. This was a major outreach of our church before the pandemic, and it’s a blessing to see how it’s returned this Fall.

Two BIG seeds we are sowing are connected to our building and grounds.
Our new roof “Protects the House,” ensuring the security of our building.
Our upcoming playground renovation “Builds the Foundation,” of our future, paving the way for the expansion of our KPUMC Day School, once the Kessler School(TKS) has left.

Speaking of the impending departure of TKS, our Finance Chair Robert Rodgers offers these words about the urgency of giving to our 2023 Annual Budget:

“Church and Parents Day Out net operating expenses are approximately $900,000 per year. The Church is typically funded through three sources; contributions, the Parents Day Out program(PDO) and rent from TKS. Contributions typically account for 50% of operating expenses, the PDO 35%, and TKS 15%.

“In 2023 this will change. The Kessler School is moving to their own campus. This will reduce our annual operating funds by approximately $140,000.

“The church is planning on using a portion of the school’s vacated space to expand our PDO program. Hopefully, this expanded PDO will make up for the loss of TKS revenue; however, this will not occur fast enough to cover the entire loss in 2023.

“The Church has been able to set aside excess operating funds from the last couple of years to provide some coverage on the TKS revenue loss, but we will likely need additional funding to cover the difference.

“Your stewardship generosity has provided us the financial resources to initially address the loss of TKS revenue in the first part of 2023. Hopefully, your continued stewardship will carry us through the 2023 transition to an expanded PDO mission.”

So, these are the challenges before us:

  1. Continue to “sow seeds” of hopeful new and renewed activities in our neighborhood and church.

  2. Plan for a financially challenging transition in the 2023 budget year as TKS leaves and our own school expands.

We will try many new things in 2023 and some will meet great success. Others will likely fail. That is the way of all seed scattering.

Our future then includes an expanded day school, a renovation of our “middle” and “upper” floors, and a continued “sowing of seeds” of new and renewed ministries in North Oak Cliff.

I hope you all hear some of the things *I* routinely hear: That our church matters to our neighborhood and that they would miss us if we were gone.

Wednesday Night Live parents are so grateful to us.
Parents Day Out parents are so grateful to us.
Methodist Hospital is so grateful to us.
Our LGBTQ neighbors and and friends are so grateful to us.

(More about all of these next week…)

Almost every week, some non-church neighbor in North Oak Cliff tells me about the difference KPUMC makes to them or their families.

I know that the economy and your personal finances are perhaps challenging right now and that the request to consider additional 2023 funds to help “bridge us” through next year could be a big ask.

Please prayerfully consider this request. Our Pledge Sunday will be November 20th. Help us continue the “seed sowing” ministry of Kessler Park UMC into 2023.