Goin' to the Chapel


KPUMC is currently undergoing an internal conversation about what to do about the chapel.

Wait … did you even know that we have a chapel?

On the second floor of the education building, down the hall from the choir room and sanctuary entrance, is a large room with twelve pews and a stage with an altar and lectern. An upright piano sits in the corner next to the stage.

In times past, this chapel has served as a place for (very) small weddings and funerals, as well as occasional special worship services, like Blue Christmas or Ash Wednesday. But these days, the only ones using the space consistently are The Kessler School students, who use the chapel to gather in the morning before class.

To be honest, the chapel is not currently in very good shape. The pews are uncomfortable, and beginning to get a little wobbly. The chandelier lights are the same as we used to have in the old fellowship hall, and just as unattractive. It’s not a very sacred space at the moment.

It’s time to address this space, and ask the important theological question, “What does God want us to do in this place?”

In my opinion, there are three other questions to answer first before we can discern the way forward. Let’s spend a little time reflecting on these.

We should begin by asking the question, “How can we love our neighbors better with this space?” Last Sunday, I preached about our neighbors, and I pointed out that, though we understand that everyone could be defined as our “neighbor,” we certainly have to begin by loving the neighbors who live closest to us. So it doesn’t hurt to ask how our chapel space could best benefit the people in our neighborhood. Is there a service or program that we could be offering in that space which we currently aren’t offering? Is there a need that exists in the community which we could meet by using the chapel differently?

A second helpful question to ask is, “What could happen here, in this space, that couldn’t happen elsewhere?” This question helps us identify what is unique about a particular space, in order to take advantage of its particular qualities. For example, one helpful feature of our chapel space is that it is on the same floor as the sanctuary. Members of staff have been musing about the possibility of turning the chapel into a Sunday morning welcome and fellowship space, where people could more easily mingle, converse, and have coffee. Some staff have also pointed out that it might be helpful to have a nursery on the same level as the sanctuary; thus, the idea of converting the space into a new nursery has also been broached.

Perhaps most importantly, however, I recommend we also ask the third question: “How can this space be used to be a catalyst for creative change in north Oak Cliff?” This question emerged from our Holy Conversations process three years ago, and I find it extremely helpful as we pray and plan for the church’s future. I would encourage us to be creative when we think about this space and its potential. This requires outside-the-box thinking. Could we turn it into a TV studio, where services are regularly broadcast or streamed live? Or a goat yoga studio? Or a coffee shop?

Yes, these are crazy ideas … or are they? The point is to spend some time dreaming about what God might be up to in our midst. Why not dream a little, throw some oddball ideas out there? You never know what might stick and catch hold of our imagination.

The world is in need of some shalom right now, and we’ve got a big empty space where we might be able to make it happen. The only thing we’ve got to figure out is what and how.

Come, dream with us, and let your imagination loose.

A Prayer for a Choir on the Move

I have written the following prayer especially for the members of Credo Choir and Dallas Street Choir, as they travel to New York City and Washington, D.C. to perform at Carnegie Hall, the National Cathedral, among other venues. 

God of all inspiration and imagination,

From the moment that you opened your mouth and sang the words, “Let there be light,”
   the universe has been full of music.
Your creation is infused with melody;
   everywhere we go, a tune springs up, leading us forward into a vibrant future.

Lead us in singing harmony; we want to accompany your life-giving song.

When you raised up a people, you gave them song leaders.
When the Israelites left Egypt, Moses sang.
When Samuel was born, Hannah sang.
When the exiles were in Babylon, they wondered whether they could still sing. And they did.

Give us song leaders; and empower us to keep singing, even when we fear we have lost the tune.

Music is the way in which you bind people together;
   it is a covenant of soul and spirit.
Song is the medium by which we make the invisible connections.
It is the means by which we express those things which we can’t otherwise articulate.
May we always appreciate the power and tenacity of your bonds.

Bind us together with cords that cannot be broken, Lord, and strengthen the ties which keep us tethered to reality.

We ask that our brothers and sisters in Credo Choir and Dallas Street Choir
   may be blessed with success and filled with joy as they travel across the country.
We pray that all who hear their music may be struck by a sense of your presence;
   help each listener to hear the strains of heaven,
   so that they might long for unity and peace on earth.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,