Kessler Park UMC

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Welcome to KPUMC

“Thank you…”

More than one of you mouthed those words to me as you held up our new Kessler Park name tags on your way out of church Sunday.

Sunday was the first in a short-series titled, “Welcome,” and it was the debut of permanent name tags for our members. This idea is a direct result of our “Get To Know You” sessions where the issue of being more connected together as a congregation came up time and time again.

More than one person suggested name tags. And, so far, you seem to be liking them.

The key, of course, will be for us to *keep* using them, week after week. To change our habits so that wearing them becomes the habit.

If you show up on a Sunday soon and don’t see a name tag for you, don’t fret. We’ll be making more for folks as needed.

But the thanks for this does not belong to me. This was an idea that came from you all, and it was implemented by our great staff and the Congregational Care Committee. So, thanks to them.

As I said Sunday, the word “Welcome” originally meant an act of conscious WILL. In fact, the original word in Old English was Wilcuma…the “Wil” being a contraction of “Will.”

True welcome isn’t just to open the doors and *hope* people find us. It’s a continual act of intention that we must learn and relearn time and time again.

We are already a welcoming Church in many ways. But we can always improve, so that all of God’s children truly know and understand that they are welcome at Kessler Park.

See you Sunday,
