
About The Project

The Social Justice Team of Kessler Park UMC was pleased to host the “Say Their Names” project on our grounds during 2022. This interact project calls on the community to remember those who have been killed at the hands of law enforcment.


The memorial remembers those who have died because of the systemic racism that is imbedded in our nation’s systems of government and policing. It consists of more than 215 images of men and women across the country who have been killed as a manifestation of systemic racism and is but a small sample of the thousands of Black people who have suffered and/or died in this manner throughout United States history.


The Social Justice Team offers this memorial to you as a way to invite our neighborhood to continue to keep issues of racism, White Supremacy, and police brutality front and center in our minds. We have committed ourselves to an ongoing process of racial healing and social justice as we seek to challenge unjust structures of power.


Special thanks to our siblings at FUMC Dallas who created this display and are generously lending it to us. The Memorial will be available for visit through the end of May.

$20 Bill (For George Floyd)”

Pastor Eric says: “My very dear friend, Tom Prasada-Rao, has written a powerful song in remembrance of George Floyd called “$20 Bill.” This version, performed by several musician friends, is a fitting addition to this memorial page, as we mourn and remember.
I invite you to add it to your experience of the memorial…EF”

Take Action:

Our Social Justice Team has committed itself to spotlight issues of racism, White Supremacy, and Police Brutality in an ongoing process, not just a one-time event. We see our calling to advocating for real change on these issues through our faith. We invite you to join us.
If you’re interested in action you and your family take now, this list is a very good starting place compiled by a national “Say Their Names” website.
Our church has sponsored book studies of White Too Long by Robert P. Jones. This book specifically confronts a hard truth: That the White Christian Church itself has too often undergirded systems of White Supremacy. It points toward a different path. If you’re interested in joining us for a future book study, contact Pastor Eric.

What Our Faith Says

Racial Justice
”The United Methodist Church proclaims the value of each person as a unique child of God and commits itself to the healing and wholeness of all persons.
The United Methodist Church recognizes that the sin of racism has been destructive to its unity throughout its history. Racism continues to cause painful division and marginalization.
The United Methodist Church shall confront and seek to eliminate racism, whether in organizations or in individuals, in every facet of its life and in society at large.
The United Methodist Church shall work collaboratively with others to address concerns that threaten the cause of racial justice at all times and in all places.”
from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2016, paragraph 5

White Privilege
”European Americans enjoy a broad range of privileges denied to persons of color in our society, privileges that often permit them to dominate others who do not enjoy such privileges. While there are many issues that reflect the racism in US society, there are some cases where racism is the issue, such as affirmative action, housing, job discrimination, hate crimes, and criminal justice. In addition, there are many broader social issues where racism is one factor in the equation, albeit often the major one.” (full statement here)

Pastor Eric
Our pastor has written extensively on issues of justice, racism, and White Supremacy.
You can find many writings at his blog:
Writings on Racism and “Black Lives Matter”
Writings on White Supremacy/Privilege.