Lent 2023

by Rev. Eric Folkerth

Ash Wednesday was a busy day at KPUMC that modeled who we are called to be.

All throughout the day Andrew McGregor used our KPUMC van to shuttle migrants as part of the “Dallas Responds” program at our sister church, Oak Lawn UMC. We’re grateful to him for helping us live out the call to treat migrant friends with the same love and law we treat ourselves.

In early evening Pastor Kay and her amazing volunteers welcomed THIRTY FIVE…yes thirty five…kids to “Wednesday Night Live” in Roberts Forest!!

Wow! The weather was good and the children seemed to really love the evening with Pastor Kay.

Finally, Ken Kelley and I closed the evening in the sanctuary with our traditional Ash Wednesday worship.


That’s the whole deal in one day, and what we are called to do as we serve our Oak Cliff mission field at Kessler Park.

As we begin Lent, I want to issue a special invitation for you all to be in worship during this holy season.

Our theme for Lent will be: “Come and Find the Quiet Center.”

This theme is taken from a popular hymn by the same name. The lyrics are powerful for our Lenten journey:

"Come and find the quiet center
in the crowded life we lead,
find the room for hope to enter,
find the frame where we are freed:
clear the chaos and the clutter,
clear our eyes, that we can see
all the things that really matter,
be at peace, and simply be.”

As our staff mediated on a theme for this Lent, we were struck with how many of us are already overwhelmed by the busy-ness of life. Yes, the pandemic years slowed things down. But now that the world is back “open,” daily life can feel akin to drinking from a fire hose. We’re back at a frenetic pace in our personal lives, but… we’re out of practice with how to deal with it.

So that’s where the “quiet center” comes in.

In the newsletter you’ll find information about the Prism Class’ Lenten plans, which include a special series led by Mike Smith.

Also coming soon, we’ll announce details of a special Sunday night series led by Tom Perkins and Rev. Kurt Maerschel. This series will invite us to consider various spiritual practices that can help us in this Lenten journey.

Along with Sunday worship, these are two ways you are invited to “Find the Quiet Center.”

So, after a blessed Ash Wednesday, we look forward to these Sundays in Lent, and hope you’ll join us for worship.

See you then,

Eric Folkerth