Hidden Rooms of the Heart
/by Rev. Eric Folkerth
You have a strength you don’t realize yet.
Your heart contains hidden rooms filled with justice for the vulnerable, courage for your own moments of weakness, and compassion for all of humanity.
Trust that this is so; that it is a deep spiritual truth of life, even on days when it does not *feel* that it is so.
2020 is a horrible year. We don’t need to recount the specifics. You’re living it.
One key to surviving it all — which I feel a special call to remind you about often— is to recenter yourself in silence, meditation or prayer, however you conceive of those things.
Only when we quiet the raging voices can we see past them, to the hidden reservoirs, already present, that we will all need in coming months.
The world is filled with horrible news that seems to come at us in an almost daily basis. Add to this, in recent weeks, I’ve suggested these ending months of 2020 may be like none in our history. It may well get worse before it gets better.
When it does, read those first three sentences over and over. And if you don’t believe them, read them over and over again.
A part of why we “do church” together is to be reminded of our hidden strength at precisely the times when we don’t “feel” it.
Trust in this…that love creates more love. Compassion creates more compassion. Justice-seeking creates more courage. And God will guide you through it all.
And those secret rooms that run your heart will appear, and unlock, just when you need them to.
Eric Folkerth