An Open Letter

by Rev. Eric Folkerth

To the Pride Flag Vandal,
I don’t know who you are.
I don’t know your motivations.
I don’t know why you chose to cut down our KPUMC Pride Flag from the flagpole on our property.

But I thought I’d write you a short note today.

Please know that we, the members and staff of Kessler Park United Methodist, are praying for you. We can perhaps intuit from your actions that you disagree with our sincerely held religious belief about God’s love and acceptance of the LGBTQ community.

At KPUMC, we have heard the painful stories of our LGBTQ members and staff and how they have been shunned and rejected by other churches and sometimes by their families. Our experience is that we have been blessed by their ministry, their commitment to loving God and serving our North Oak Cliff neighborhood. Our LGBTQ members and friends strengthen our church. They are faithful Christians.

We believe with St Paul that “all are one in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We believe with Jesus that we are called to love and welcome all our neighbors.

That means the LGBTQ community…and it also means YOU. (Which is why our sign says “All Are Welcome.”)

Especially among young people, that sign and pride flag is a symbol of our embodied welcome to all God’s children.

So, please know that while the flag has now been vandalized 4-5 times (maybe by you? maybe by a series of vandals?), we have an endless supply ready to replace them.

And we will.

Because: we have the right to live in peace and to celebrate our sincerely held Christian values, through the leading of God’s Holy Spirit.

And I would gently remind you that Jesus’ “Golden Rule” calls us to respect your right to your beliefs and values, even as I am here asking you to respect ours.

So, I end as I began…assuring you that we will continue to pray for you, even as we continue to witness to God’s grace and love in the world for all God’s children.

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Eric Folkerth