Another Day

by Rev. Kay Ash

It’s Wednesday morning, the day after another mass shooting that stole the lives of precious children.  Another day when the newscasters are crying; another day where social media explodes with angry voices, prayerful voices, stunned voices - a cacophony of voices.  Another day, when we ask God “How Long?” Another day.

Today was supposed to be a bittersweet celebration, a time for blessings before the summer break.  I know we will gather for sure, there will be goodbye hugs and plenty of blessing balm.  We will get together, but we know everything will be different because today is “another day.”

For the last time this season a group of neighborhood kids will gather on Kessler Park UMC’s campus for Wednesday Night Live.  In case you have not heard, Wednesday Night Live has been running for several weeks now and lots of new families have joined us.  You also must know that to be as safe as possible from Covid, we gathered entirely outside in Roberts Forest.  It seemed right that in this season we shared stories of the prophets: Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and others. What might surprise you is how much the children crave the Bible.  They constantly want to know who we will talk about that day and it must be every five minutes that they ask “Is it time for the story yet?”

Finally at the end of the night, we will sit in a circle and the story will begin: “Prophets are people who come so close to God and God comes so close to them that they know what God wants.”  The kids know this opening line from the Godly Play curriculum by heart and we say it together. We do the hand motions together. And together, we call the Holy Spirit into the moment, and we worship our loving God.

In truth, Wednesday Night Live is an awe inspiring experience of the beauty of Roberts Forest mixed with the Word of God mixed with blessings from a 2nd grader.  Wednesday Night Live is another entire congregation different from the one that meets in our Sanctuary on Sunday mornings.  Wednesday Night Live is a unique expression of Kessler Park United Methodist Church.

Since today is “another day,” Wednesday Night Live will start with all the usual parts: the dinner, the playtime, the story and the blessings; however, today we will especially remind every child that they are a precious and holy Child of God.  Today we will remind every child that they matter.  I hope they believe us.  I hope the children understand how important they are and that Kessler Park United Methodist Church is committed to walking alongside them as they grow. 

Wednesday Night Live will begin again in the Fall along with another school year (by the grace of God and the absence of Covid).  The word of mouth is so strong in our neighborhood that I am convinced this gathering will very quickly outgrow our expectations.  Our neighborhood is filling with more and more and more children.  I am confident that Kessler Park UMC will need more watchful eyes, more hands and feet, more faithful disciples to look children in the eye and tell them “you are a precious and holy Child of God.”  I ask you to prayerfully consider - not just for our church, our parish, our city – I ask you to prayerfully consider spending a Wednesday night in the Fall with Kessler Park’s other congregation where your words and deeds, your very presence can be THE difference in the life of a child. Children matter. 

Kyrie eleison

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Kyrie eleison
